A Guide To Building Backlinks For Lawyers And Other Legal Websites

A Guide To Building Backlinks For Lawyers And Other Legal Websites

Anyone who knows anything about SEO will tell you that, if you are a lawyer with a website or manage a legal website and you want that website to rank higher on Google, then you must acquire backlinks. Although ranking factors such as user experience and having quality, relevant content on your website are extremely important, backlinks act as a booster that feeds rankings, and the more and better the backlinks you have, the higher you should rank.

This is why link building plays a huge role in SEO, and the subsequent aim of getting a legal website ranked on page one, and if possible position number one. Unfortunately, many do not fully understand how to create a link-building strategy, so we thought we would give you some simple pointers as to how.

Link Building Defined

The simplest explanation we have of link building is it is the process of gaining links aka backlinks from other locations online such as websites and social media pages to your legal website so that when someone clicks on one of those links they arrive on whichever page of your website the inbound link goes to.

The Importance Of Link Building

Whilst Google keeps much of how it calculates rankings very much clouded in secrecy, they release enough information and there has been enough SEO research, for us to make reasonable assumptions. One is that backlinks are one of the three most significant factors that Google assesses when ranking website pages.

Google regards a backlink as an endorsement, and the more authority a website has that links to another, the stronger that endorsement is. It is akin to a budding actor being praised by an Oscar-winning actor such as Anthony Hopkins. When Google sees that a backlink goes from a high authority website, the website it links to gets credit for that, and a lot more credit than it would for a link from a one-page website with zero authority.
